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Meat Consumption

Good or Bad ? for Human Beings.

Meat Consumption- “Good or Bad ?” for Human Beings.

The present situation, as we all know, the world is suffering from CORONAVIRUS, (COVID19) Some say it’s a conspiracy. Some say it came from eating meat.  Is Meat consumption good or bad? has become a  kind of conflicting subject between vegetarian and non- vegetarian, different scientist and doctors.

After the pandemic, many Doctors, scientist, general people think that eating meat has become no longer healthy. It seemed like the source of good protein, at a glance, but now became a bad thing for health. It’s not a new thing that many scientist and doctors researched in the history time and again, proving, how meat consumption is bad for human beings. One of the survey (National Academy of Science of America, 2019) shows that 5 hundred thousand people prematurely die due to meat consumption. Further, In (2109,Neuro-Scientist, Aleesa Musconcony, New York City Will Medical college) in her experiment found out a vast difference in health of brain people consuming Vegetarian and non-veg diets. The brain of vegetarian people look more healthy and active, while on other side, the brain looked shrinked and most of the  neurons were not properly developed, as they were supposed to be naturally.

The Survey came with conclusion that people consuming meat tend to have more anxiety problems, depression, lack of self-control, future fear than the people consuming vegetarian diet.

Ludwig,1942 once said, “Man is What He Eats”, which means the food one eats has bearing on his mental state. Our body is perfectly scientific machine, whatever goes inside, has direct effect on our mind, or consciousness. Which can be further elaborated as, it affects our thinking, feeling and willing. We may want to perform best in our carrier, relationship, health, and different areas of life, but we become what we eat. Food what we take directly affect our behavior and performance.

Most of the population eat meat without giving a thought, even it gives diseases. The study of Anatomy also shows thtat meat eating is only meant for Carnivorous animals because the gastric juice for digestion is 20 times more concentrated than in human stomach. That means they can digest 20 times faster. Their’s  intestines are small and so meat  quickly  passes through but Human beings have 30 feet long intestine and meat takes a long time to pass through. During this time, meat goes organic decay within and leads to indigestion and various complicated diseases.

If we look at the study of anti-depression, PTSD, Bipolar Disorder, Hallucination and Dellusion and our disturbed sleep cycle. Studies suggest, therapy, medicine, counselling, exercise, etc, are the methods to cure them. On the other side, these methods are temporary and heals your body and mind for a short time. But the 5000 years ago ancient practice, Vedic science, called Ayurveda gives us the vision of entire picture. Ayurveda uses vegetarian food and herbs to maintain the harmony with body and mind. The difference between Modern medicine and Ayurveda, is that Modern medicine generalizes the medicine to all the people, thinking that all people have same body type. Rather Ayurveda individualizes the food and herbs according to the types of body. In-order to be truly healthy, you must have the knowledge of your nutrition, your digestion, even life style practice.

The recommended food and herbs of Ayurveda heal the diseases and increases the immunity power. Ayurveda recommends Non-Violence. It makes sure to honor the animals. Because human mind naturally like non-violence. We do not like negative emotions, depression, fear, our mind freaking out. So, when we are about to kill animals, they become so afraid and cry. Animals feel pain, which means they are conscious living being like us. And in our nicely decorated plate with mouth-watering meat products, we eat sumptuously with a great taste but the fact is we also have to consume their fear, their anxiety and sorrow along with their meat. So it’s natural to have negativity in us. Our Heart becomes hard and our intelligence is blocked. So we suffer from different physical and mental pain. In nutshell, Ayurveda suggest us to eat better foods for our body and mind rather than the taste of tounge and live a good lifestyle.


To conclude, in a nutshell, Comparing either to eat meat is good or bad for human beings? Many modern scientist and doctors proved it, sometimes good and sometimes bad. The Views are being changed now and then. The argument goes on, and is going on, the one who with the more vote, wins the case. But if we truly want to be healthy in body and mind. We have to be intelligent enough to choose the right path. Further, Ayurveda, this timeless wisdom has been existing since very long. And this ancient science has been practiced in the history by many successful personalities and made their life healthier and peaceful.  This knowledge has worked undoubtedly to protect human body and mind with no flaws.